What’s your motto of 2022? Embracing who you are and ways you can keep children’s mental well-being in check.
Firstly, where has January gone?
I hope the first month of 2022 has brought you all health, happiness, and the inspiration to tackle any personal and work-based challenges with a positive mindset.
I’m starting off this newsletter with a quote that is to be my motto for the year.
It sums up for me the way that I am going to approach 2022. We often spend a lot of time and energy doing things that we feel we must do.
Is this the right approach?
If the last year has taught us anything it should be to approach situations with kindness and empathy. But the same also applies to ourselves and our own wellbeing doesn’t it?
I shared this quote on my social media platforms at the start of January and I’ve since had many people message me to say that this quote resonated with them. I hope that you take something from this quote too and that it helps you when things get overwhelming or tough.
Often, the start of the year always brings a focus on ourselves and embracing who we are. Many of us deal with challenges in our lives. I’ve spoken to many people recently who have shared with me their realisation of where their mental wellbeing is and where they want it to be. It’s one of the reasons I created my free managing mental health download.
I hope that it helps you or anyone else you know.
Download my FREE Mental Health Resource
On the subject of mental health, if you had to list a number of things that can help you keep your child’s mental well-being in check what would they be? Here are some ideas that I have:
- Acknowledge and accept the child for who they are. A unique individual.
- Stop and really listen to your child when they are talking to you and let them know that you have understood.
- Accept the journey that your child wants to take. Not every child needs to go to university. They may flourish as an apprentice or by going straight into work or even travelling may be the way they learn.
- Do not buy your child every toy, pair of trainers, latest fashion outfits when they want it. Allow them to save up and understand the value of money.
- Teach your children all skills, not just the ones that are supposedly meant for women and men.
- Teach your children respect for each other, parents, teachers, elders, difference, disability, diversity and equality.
- Teach your children to be able to stand on their own feet.
- Teach your children the difference between religion and culture.
- Teach them how to ask for help. Not to expect it.
I would love to hear what else you would add to this list, email me at sonal@sonaldave.com and share your ideas. Through the power of communication, we can help make parents’ and children’s daily lives easier.
I’m going to end this newsletter with a short tip on a topic I get asked about a lot! Public speaking. Or, should I say the fear of public speaking. Some of us enjoy public speaking and some of us avoid it at all costs, and some people have a genuine fear of getting up and speaking in front of a large group. This skill can hold you back at work, but it is something that you can overcome with my help.
Thank you for reading my newsletter. I hope the thoughts and information shared give you the inspiration that you can use in your and your family’s everyday life.
Until next time,