Award-Winning Celebrant, Toastmaster and Public Speaking Expert

Public Speaking Freebies and Downloads

interview prep pdf guide 1

Adult Interview Prep Guide

How to Support the Mental Health of an Adult with a Neurodivergent Mind

Adult Interview Prep Workbook

start a speech public speaking 1

The Art of Storytelling for Adults Workbook

public speaking nerves

Children's Interview Prep Guide

communicate with children

Children’s Interview Prep Workbook

confidence public speaking courses for children 2

The Art of Storytelling for Children Workbook

public speaking nerves

Childhood Adverse Experiences that Affect Adulthood

start a speech 4 1

Tips for Managing Mental Health and Anxiety In the Workplace

confidence public speaking courses for children 1

Ten Tips for Parents Struggling to Communicate with their Children

Engaging Starts - Your Guide to Powerful Speech Openings cover shown on tablet

Engaging Starts: Your Guide to Powerful Speech Openings

Homeschooling tips workbook shown on tablet

10 Tips for Effective Homeschooling: A Workbook for Parents

How to Support the Mental Health of an Adult with a Neurodivergent Mind

The Definitive Guide on Neurodiversity

Celebrant & Toastmaster Freebies and Downloads

what is a toastmaster pdf shown on tablet

What is a Toastmaster?

what is a celebrant wedding ceremony pdf download shown on a tablet

What is a Celebrant Wedding Ceremony?

Funeral wishlist download shown on a tablet

End of Life/Funeral Wishlist

Naming Ceremony memory box ideas

Naming ceremony memory box ideas

Destination weddings inbox tips shown on a tablet

All about destination weddings

15 vow renewal ideas PDF shown on tablet

15 Great Vow Renewal Ideas

Hindu Ashes Water Ceremony PDF download shown on tablet

Scattering of Ashes Ceremony Guide

Public Speaking Courses and Support

Online Public Speaking Course

public speaking training
Confident communication starts here

Online Public Speaking for Kids (8+)

A life-changing skill set for your child

Animated Online Public Speaking Course

For children 4 years and older

Lady Toastmaster & Master of Ceremonies
Buy Journals & Notebooks

Journal to Calm

journal to calm Space to reflect on the 8 prompts, allowing you to process and learn about what happened that day and consider what you might do differently next time.

The Neurodivergent Mind

autism adhd journal for adults
Space to reflect on the 8 prompts, allowing you to process and learn about what happened that day and consider what you might do differently next time.

Write It, Read It, Let It Go

autism adhd journal for children
When your child needs to take a moment away from everything, this journal is their place to write, colour or doodle, giving them the space to work though their day and what happened.

Get in Touch

Sonal Dave presenting a public speaking workshop

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Public Speaking, Acting, Speaking, & Corporate Toastmaster Events

a team member speaking up at a meeting showing the importance of public speaking skills

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Multicultural Weddings, Naming Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, Funeral Cereminies, & Private Toastmaster Events

Ten Tips for Parents Struggling to Communicate with their Children

Download my free handy tips to help your life be smoother and quieter at home


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Tips for Managing Mental Health and Anxiety In the Workplace

Download my free handy tips 


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Prepare for an interview and stand out from the other candidates.

Do the research, be prepared and practice with the right interview template.

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Give your child the best opportunity to be successful at their school interview

They can do the research, be prepared and practice with the right interview template.

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Childhood Adverse Experiences that Affect Adulthood

A child will remember their childhood experiences whether openly or subconsciously

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What is a Toastmaster?

Why Should I Book One for my Wedding or Event?

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The Definitive Guide on Neurodiversity

Grab the FREE Guide to Nuerodiversity

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